
Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Watch your time.....

There is no greater waste of time than regret.

If you want to manage your time better, the first step as suggested by Time Management Consultant Alan Lakein, is to ask yourself this question: “Exactly what are my goals?”

Take a blank sheet of paper. List your personal lifetime goals. Now, analyze your lists. 

They probably include more things than your reasonably can expect to do, so assign priorities.

Besides being specific, goals should be attainable and authentic, in other words, things you really want and are willing to work for.

Good time management involves an awareness that today is all we ever have to work with. The past is irretrievably gone; the future is only a concept. Everything that is accomplished in the world is the result of someone’s realization that today is the only time to act.

If it seems rather elementary to you, be assured that the vast majority of your fellow human beings seldom fully grasp that self-evident truth.

Thomas Carlyle put it this way: “ our main task is not to see what lies dimly perceived in the future, but to do the thing which lies immediately at hand”

John Ruskin had the word “Today” carved into a small marble block that he kept on his desk as a constant reminder to “Do it now”.

But my favorite quotation is this one by an anonymous philosopher:

Yesterday is a cancelled check,

Tomorrow is a promissory note,

Today is ready cash. Use it.

Upon all the time-saving techniques ever developed, perhaps the most effective of all is frequent use of the word “No”

………….to be continued

Simon Cobbina
Digital Marketing Strategist & Entrepreneur

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